Cassondra, a proud native of Arkansas, established Lamp Light Ministry in 2014 with the clear purpose of fulfilling the 'Great Commission' from Matthew 28:18-20. Her very first ministry trip took place in Uganda, Africa in 2015. Lamp Light Ministry is devoted to equipping pastors and church leaders with the teachings of the Word of God.
Missionary and evangelist Sneed is entering her 17th year in ministry and is renowned as a scholar of the faith. She holds a Certification in Biblical Studies from Agape College and a degree in Mission Ministry from Missionary Baptist Seminary, clearly demonstrating her deep understanding of the scriptures and the mission of the church.
Before embracing her ministry, Missionary Sneed held various impactful roles, such as a Public Relations Director, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, and Licensed Practical Nurse.
Cassondra holds the following medical certifications:
Cassondra has been successfully self-employed for over twenty years and currently serves as the CEO and Director of CS & Associates, a healthcare service provider focused on delivering wellness services to the elderly in the comfort of their own homes. You can gain more insight into the organization by visiting
Her contributions have been honored with awards, including those for being an Extreme Woman and a Trailblazer.
She is currently an esteemed member of the First Assembly Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas.